Murray's blog with the unforgettable URL
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
  Post 2: The Obligation
I don't want to say country folk are a bit thick, but today I saw a sign saying "Countryside fair - 3th and 4th September". Hoiyohh. True story. I nearly fell off my bike when I read it. I also nearly fell off my bike when I hit the pavement at a bad angle. But you know what, my falling off a bike isn't particularly funny, unless you're there to see it. And as it was night time, nobody saw it, I hope.

Man, that started off with me turning an actual event into an awful joke, and then it got really boring and uninteresting. Sure, nobody reads this (hooray, whining at my lack of readership two days into my unpublicised blog. Go me), but I feel like I have an obligation to make this somewhat interesting.

Unfortunately, my brain is empty. Not literally, there's lots of things in there, brain cells, blood, thoughts about girls being naked. Mostly the latter of the three. But figuratively, I cannot think of anything interesting to say today. I could whine about how today was rather warm, and I had to use a lot of deodorant, but then this would be like all those blogs where people talk about stuff nobody cares about: "2day aaron a i went 2 da shops, lol! we bot fags, bt im 15. rofl!" Nobody wants that, least of all aaron. He doesn't even smoke. Also, I'm 19, know how to spell, don't smoke, and don't even know an Aaron. Well, apart from my little brother's friend. I wonder if he smokes...
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Inspired by UH&P Man's "Life through the rose-tinted lens o' bile," Murray Barnes has decided to create his own "blog", and here it is for your pleasure:

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Location: Glasgow, Scotland, United Kingdom

Well, what can I say about myself? Not a lot really, because I currently need the toilet really badly, which is stopping me from concentrating. Another time maybe?

August 2005 / January 2006 /

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